Test TCP server

cricri provides TestServer class to test server. You must subclasse TestServer and define your servers and clients:

class TestMyServer(TestServer):

    commands = [
            "name": "application",
            "cmd": ["python3", "-u", "application.py", "{port-1}",
                    "--db-port", "{port-2}"],
            "env": {"PYTHONPATH": "/home/project/chat"}
            "name": "database",
            "cmd": ["docker", "run", "-p", "{port-2}:5420", "db-service"],

Servers are defined in commands list. You will can reference server in test methods by the name using self.servers[‘name-defined-in-commands-list’]

commands available parameters

The commands must be a list containing dict with:
  • name (required) the name of command
  • cmd (required) list of sequence of program arguments the first
    element is a program.
  • kill-signal (optional) should be an enumeration members of
    :py:class: signal.Signals
  • env (optional) A dict that defines the environment variables
  • extra-env (optional) A dict that add environment variables

Assert server methods

assert_stdout_is(expected, timeout=2)

Test that server logs expected on the stdout before timeout.

assert_stderr_is(expected, timeout=2)

Test that server logs expected on the stderr before timeout.

assert_stdout_regex(regex, timeout=2)

Test that server logs on stdout before timeout and message matches regex.

assert_stderr_regex(regex, timeout=2)

Test that server logs on stderr before timeout and message matches regex.