Condition object

The Conditions objets are used in condition decorator.

You can combine Condition objects using operator.

Operator Meaning Example
- not - Path(‘A’, ‘B’)
& and Path(‘A’, ‘B’) & Path(‘F’, ‘G’)
| or Path(‘A’, ‘B’) | Path(‘F’, ‘G’)

Built-in Condition


Path(step [,step2 […]]) is enable if the given contigious steps have executed.


@condition(Path(“I”, “J”))
Executed steps Decorated method is executed
I, J True
J, I, J, I True
J, I False
I, K, J False
K, J False


Newer(step1, step2) is enable if step2 execution is newer than step1 execution or step1 has not executed.


@condition(Newer(“I”, “J”))
Executed steps Decorated method is executed
I, J True
J, I, J, I False
J, I False
I, K, J True
K, J True
K, I False

How to create a custom Condition

You can create a custom Condition by inheriting from Condition class and overriding the __call__ method. The __call__ method takes previous_steps parameter - previous_steps parameters is a list of executed step names - and return True if decorated method must be executed else False.

Here is a Condition wich is enable when step appears a given number of times:

class Count(Condition):

    def __init__(self, step, count):
        self.step = step
        self.count = count

    def __call__(self, previous_steps):
        previous_steps = tuple(previous_steps)
        return previous_steps.count(self.step) ==  self.count


Cricri provides shortcut decorators:

shortcut means
@previous(step [,step2 […]]) @conditon(Previous(step [,step2 […]]))
@path(step [,step2 […]]) @conditon(Path(step [,step2 […]]))
@newer(step1, step2) @conditon(Newer(step1, step2))