Welcome to Cricri’s documentation

cricri is a test scenario generator. You define steps using TestState class. Each step has input method, set of tests methods, and one or multiple previous steps. cricri finds all paths in the steps and generates one Test Case for each path. You can disable test steps depending on the path traveled.


You can install the latest stable release with pip:

pip install cricri

or install the latest development release (unstable) with git:

git clone https://github.com/Maillol/cricri.git cricri
cd cricri
python3 setup.py install

Basic example

Here is a simple example with three steps to generate two scenario wich test list method

from cricri import TestState, previous

class BaseTestState(TestState):

    def start_scenario(cls):
        cls.l = [1, 3, 2, 4]

class Create(BaseTestState, start=True):

    def test_1(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.l, [1, 3, 2, 4])

class Reverse(BaseTestState, previous=['Create']):
    def input(self):

    def test_1(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.l, [4, 2, 3, 1])

class Sort(BaseTestState, previous=['Create', 'Reverse']):
    def input(self):

    def test_1(self):
        self.assertEqual(self.l, [1, 2, 3, 4])

load_tests = BaseTestState.get_load_tests()

The BaseTestState is created by subclassing cricri.TestState. This subclass defines start_scenario method in order to store the object to be tested in a class attribute. The start_scenario method will be called once at the beginning of each generated scenario.

Each BaseTestState subclass defines a scenario step. start attribute allow you to define the first step. Here Create class is the first step. previous attribute allow you to define when step is executed. Here Reverse step is executed when Create step is done and Sort step can be executed when Create or Reverse step is done.

This three steps define two scenario:
  • Create and Sort list.
  • Create, Reverse and Sort list.

Each step has input method. This method is called before test methods of step.

The last statement allows unittest to manage this module. It generate all unittest.TestCase classes.

To run this script, use unittest command-line interface:

$ python3 -m unittest -v test_scenario_list

You will see the following output:

create (1/2) ... ok
sort   (2/2) ... ok
create  (1/3) ... ok
reverse (2/3) ... ok
sort    (3/3) ... ok

Ran 5 tests in 0.001s


If you want use pytest to launch this script, you should install pytest-cricri

pip install pytest-cricri

You can launch test with pytest using –cricri option

pytest --cricri test_scenario_list.BaseTestState

condition decorator

The condition decorator allows you to have a conditional execution of test method. this function takes a Condition objects such as Previous or Path.


class B1(BaseTestState):

class B2(BaseTestState):

class C(BaseTestState, previous=['B1', 'B2']):

    @condition(Previous(['B1']))  # Called when previous step is B1
    def input(self):

    @condition(Previous(['B2'])  # Called when previous step is B2
    def input(self):

    @condition(Previous(['B1'])  # Called when previous step is B1
    def test_1(self):

    @condition(Previous(['B2'])  # Called when previous step is B2
    def test_2(self):

Note that TestState subsubclass can have several input methods if condition decorator is used.


Contributions are welcome! Clone the repository on GitHub.